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A Little Child Shall Lead Them: help us celebrate National Youth Art Month


I should probably blog more often but time doesn't allow for that, so blog posts are just for special occasions. We've got just one of those occasions coming up at The Suffering Artist on March 2nd. March is National Youth Art Month so we're kicking off the month with a show we hope will encourage more young artists. All the pieces being featured are collaborations between adult artists and youth or children. The piece to the left, entitled Fear of Artificial Intelligence, for example, was created by local artist Bill Jackson and his grandchildren. His grand-kids, four in all, range in age from 6 to 12 years old. That pattern is consistent with all nine of our adult artists: they each collaborated with one or more youthful counterparts from a wide range of ages with varying powers of expression. I collaborated with my 2-year-old daughter. She doesn't have her own 'voice' yet but can still express herself somehow, even if only in random scribbles. All these youth have something to say even if they say it differently. To me that is fascinating and inspiring at the same time. I really want to encourage young artists. I want them to tap into something creative down deep inside and get comfortable putting it out there for people to see. This exhibit is dedicated to that passion and that hope. Please come to the show on March 2nd. If you can't make it, you can come see it any time before April 13th. Hope to see you there!

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311 East Main St Hogansville, GA 30230

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